The initial assessment of your maternity care needs will be carried out by the midwife. If appropriate you will attend antenatal clinic with the midwife for regular checks. This clinic is no longer held at the Practice, your midwife will confirm the date, time and location of your antenatal appointment. From Tuesday 4th May pregnant women wishing to book their maternity care with Calderdale & Huddersfield NHS Foundation Trust will be directed to use their website: Follow this link and complete the form to create a log in. Once registered you will be contacted by a member of the team within 3 working days to arrange your first midwife appointment. Anyone who need further help or is unable to access the My Pregnancy Notes online can still contact the midwife team on 01422 2613351 or 01484 355731. Leave a message and a member of the team will be in touch within 3 working days.