Our Doctors
In addition to our substantive GP workforce, we offer additional clinics throughout the week with other highly experienced practitioners.
Dr Helen M Bolland (f)
Qualified in Liverpool, 1994
Dr. Anil Singh (m)
Qualified in Manchester 2015
MBChB (Hons), BSc (Hons) MRCGP, PGCert (MedEd)
Dr David Hankin-Rendle (m)
Qualified in Manchester 2007
Dr Natasha Sharma (f)
Qualified in Sheffield 2012
Dr. Jennifer Day (f)
Qualified in Leeds 2016
Dr Awais Zafar (m)
Qualified in Leeds 2018
Dr Hannah Sharma (f)
Qualified in Bristol 2014
Physician Associates and Advanced Clinical Practitioners
Sajid Rasool (m)
Advanced Practitioner
Atif Saddiq (m)
Advanced Practitioner
Omayya Ali (f)
Physician Associate
Physician Associates are healthcare professionals who work alongside doctors in providing medical care as an integral part of the multidisciplinary team, with roles including: seeing patients with long-term conditions, taking medical histories & physical examinations, developing management plans and making referrals. Physician Associates work autonomously with appropriate support from a doctor
Advanced Clinical Practitioners come from a range of professional backgrounds such as nursing, paramedics, and pharmacy. They are healthcare professionals educated to Master’s level and have developed the skills and knowledge to manage acute and long-term conditions in primary care, similar to physician associates.
Our Nurses and Healthcare Assistants
All our nurses hold regular clinics and deal with chronic disease monitoring, family planning advice including emergency contraception (morning after pill), HRT, smear tests, immunisations, foreign travel, dressings, health advice, etc. Julie also deals with assessment and treatment of minor illness. Your doctor may also refer you to a nurse for follow-up of various conditions or you may receive an invitation through the post, or a reminder text message to your mobile phone. Make your appointment at reception giving the reason for your visit so the Service Advisor can book you in with the correct nurse for the correct length of time and check blood tests have been completed if necessary.
Julie Broadbent (f)
Lead Practice Nurse
Rhiannan Illingworth (f)
Practice Nurse
Our Health Care Assistants delivers the following services – blood pressure checks, New Patient Health Checks, hypertension reviews, NHS Health Checks. If your recall letter asks you to make an appointment with the Health Care Assistant, please do so as this helps keep our practice nurse and GP appointments for other services and circumstances.
Gayle Griffiths (f)
Healthcare Assistant
Harriet Shaw (f)
GP Assistants
Michelle Baird (f)
Our Practice Staff and Administration
Emily Smith (f)
The Practice Manager is responsible for the management of the practice and co-ordination of all activities. She can help with any queries on non-medical matters and will handle problems and complaints. Contact her by phone or letter at the surgery.
Practice Manager
Behind the scenes all of our administrative staff form an integral part of our team and are a great asset, helping the doctors, nurses and Service Advisers to spend more time with patients. Our Service Advisers have undergone training and complete many varied tasks. Although their main role is to help you to see your doctor or nurse and get the best from our services, they also complete a wide range of tasks, and are not ‘just receptionists’. Please help them by providing the information they request.
Community Midwives
They provide full maternity care during and after pregnancy. They provide antenatal care at the surgery each Wednesday afternoon. They can be contacted at their office base at Broad Street (Wharfe Team) on 01422 261364.
Community Nurses
District nurses provide home nursing for patients who are too ill or disabled to attend surgery. They also give help and advice to carers. They can be contacted on 01422 652 291 8.30 – 9.30am & 2 – 3pm. (Answer machine at other times – messages are picked up throughout the day).
Health Visitors
Health Visitors are based at Local, Halifax. They can help you with any problems which may arise in the family or general health issues. You do not have to wait for illness or crisis to occur before seeking advice. They can be contacted on 0300 304 5076 (Answer machine messages will be returned.)