Don’t ‘leave a gap’ in our workforce

Posted by: elizabethshaw - Posted on:

Currently our services are extremely busy; we know it’s frustrating.

Unfortunately, verbal and physical abuse towards our colleagues can contribute to us losing staff,  leaving gaps and making it harder to run our service.

During the pandemic, reports of abuse directed at doctors’ surgery staff and community pharmacy teams across West Yorkshire have increased. In response the West Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership (WY HCP) has launched a new insight driven campaign called ‘leaving a gap’ to make people think about the consequences of abusive behaviour. Co-produced with staff and patients, the campaign recognises that services are extremely busy, and it can be frustrating for people accessing care.

We’re all here to help each other – please be kind

Dr Richard Vautrey, Leeds GP said “Services remain exceptionally busy, and whilst GP teams are working as hard as they can we know it can be very frustrating for patients.
This campaign is all about asking people to take a moment to think before speaking with our staff. Abuse is significantly impacting staff morale at a time when the workforce has never been so stretched. It is in danger of driving away staff from a profession under pressure –
staff leaving their jobs won’t help anyone and will only make the situation worse”.

Dr James Thomas, Chair of WY HCP Clinical Forum said “GPs are working differently, whilst helping more people than ever before. One conversation can be enough to hurt. It’s important that we all take time to consider our behaviours and how it can impact on others. Being kind can make a huge difference to someone’s day”.

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